Thursday, February 16, 2012

Where Did "Tina" Come From?

It's the one non-food question we get asked the most.. "What does 'Tina' mean?"

Unfortunately, it's less of an exciting story and more of an embarrassing story, but we may as well throw it out there and stop all the funny looks and wondering.

Well, Tina is a nickname that Michelle, myself and our small group of friends call each other. We've all stuck together through thick and thin and we just can't seem to shake off the Tina name.

I should probably try to save all of our embarrassment and leave the story at that.. but how lame would that be?

It all started about 8 years ago, when a certain ridiculously stupid, yet funny movie was released. Of course our group of friends latched on to the many quotes of this movie and being the outrageous ladies that we are, especially liked one particular part (or should I say - animal). (This is the embarrassing part.... the moment of truth).. 

Now, for those of you who haven't seen Napolean Dynamite, you should. Actually, you should see it twice, because the second time is when it's funniest. As you can see, it's maybe the dumbest (but again - pretty funny) movie of all time, but that damn llama just stuck with us.

Long story - short, we called each other Tina for the next couple of months, which led to other people calling us Tina, then it ballooned from there.

Blog world, meet the Tinas!

picture circa 2006
Left to Right: Anna, Megan, Kelsey, Holly, Michelle, Kristin & Julia
*Note the Tina shirts

Yes, we had shirts made.. don't judge. (This only seems to get more and more embarrassing as the story goes on.)
To ease the pain of how hilarious we all look circa 2006, here's a photo of us circa 2008 (I know - two whole  years later, but humour me here people, okay?)

Plus Monty & Walter the Hancock dogs :)

To reiterate this seemingly unnecessary story, we still call each other Tina to this day (we have also added one cat and one dog to the Tina-name clan). So, when faced with the task of coming up with a business name, naturally we thought Tina would be appropriate. 

And that is that! Hope you enjoyed our story (and haven't judged us too much)- and my first blog! 

Talk soon,
Anna xo

I will now leave you with this lovely tid-bit of a video. You're welcome. 

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